

Harrow International School Hong Kong (the School) is one of the four international schools which are part of the ‘Harrow family’ of schools.

The School is independently owned and operated by a not-for-profit company registered in Hong Kong, Harrow International School Foundation Limited, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asia International Schools Ltd (AISL).

On behalf of AISL, Harrow International Management Services Ltd (HIMS) oversees the running of all the Harrow International Schools. It provides technical advice and assistance to support the management of each school.

The School operates under an agreement with the Governors of Harrow School in the United Kingdom. Under that agreement, the School is permitted to use the Harrow name and Arms, and is required to have a Governing Board which, inter alia, is responsible for the overall philosophy, vision, culture and strategic direction of the School; compliance with governing documents and law; and ensuring that appropriate policies and procedures are in place for the day to day operations of the School. The Governing Board is required to include two Governors of Harrow School (or their representatives), two representatives of the School’s owners, and one Director of HIMS. The Governing body is composed of the following members: 

  • A Chairman
  • Two Harrow School Governors, or their representatives
  • Two representatives of the owners of the School
  • One Director of Harrow International Management Services Limited
  • One independent expert in the field of international education.
  • Three other independent people with relevant expertise in education and/or other areas of activity relevant to the School’s activities

The presence of Harrow School Governors and HIMS in governance is to assure, amongst other things, a consistently high standard of education, reflecting Harrow School’s values and traditions of excellence.

The Board of Governors consists of twelve members:

  • On behalf of the owners – Mr Daniel Chiu, Dr Rosanna Wong, Ms Louisa Ho, Mr Eric Leung and Dr Ahmed Hussain
  • Independent Governors – Mr Arnold Wong, Mr Bryan Gaw, Mr Peter Lee and Mr Johnny Mok
Mr Daniel Chiu

Mr Daniel Chiu

Mr. Chiu is Member of the 14th Guangzhou City Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He holds honorary positions including, Executive Vice President and Director of the 8th Board of Directors of GMC Hong Kong Members Association, Executive Vice Chairman and Director of the 4th Board of Directors of Hong Kong Federation of Guangzhou Associations Limited, Vice President of the 7th Board of Guangzhou Overseas Friendship Association, Member of the 2nd, 3rd & 5th Board of Councilors of China Overseas Friendship Association, Member of the 9th and 10th Executive Committee of All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, Honorary Citizen of Maoming, Guangdong Province, etc.

Mr. Chiu has nearly 40 years of experience in corporate governance. He is also Chairman of Fortune Oil Limited and Federal Asia Company Limited.

Dr Rosanna Wong, DBE, JP


Dr. Wong is the Chairman of the Asia International School Limited and Senior Advisor of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

She serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director of CK Asset Holdings Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, and The Hong Kong’s The Institute of Philanthropy Limited. She is also an Honorary Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and the Honorary Chairman of World Vision Hong Kong, and the Honorary Vice-President of the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association. She is an Honorary Advisor to the Hong Kong WEMP Education Foundation.

She is a former Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), as well as having served on the Executive and Legislative Councils in Hong Kong. She is also the former Chairperson of the Education Commission; the Commission on Youth; and the Social Welfare Advisory Committee. Dr. Wong is also a former Working Group Member of the United Nations High Level Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor; and a former Member of the United Nations High Level Panel on Youth Employment.

Dr. Wong holds a B.Soc.Sc. from The University of Hong Kong; an M.S.W. from The University of Toronto; an M.Sc. from The London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London; and an M.A. and Ph.D. from The University of California, Davis. She has been awarded Honorary Doctorates from The Hong Kong Institute of Education (2004); The University of Hong Kong (2003); The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2002); The University of Toronto (1999); and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1996). She is an Honorary Fellow of The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Mr Eric Leung

Mr Eric Leung

Mr. Leung Wing Cheong Eric, aged 64, is the Chief Executive Officer of Asia International School Limited (“AISL”) responsible for its general business operations. AISL owns and operates a series of Harrow International and Harrow-branded schools and kindergartens in Asia. He is currently a governor of Harrow International School Bangkok, Harrow International School Beijing, Harrow International School Hong Kong, Harrow International School Shanghai, Harrow International School Shenzhen Qinghai, Harrow International School Appi Japan and Shenzhen Qianhai Harrow Hong Kong Children School. Before joining AISL, Mr. Leung had held senior management positions with companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as well as with a number of international investment banks. He is a lawyer by training, and is qualified to practise law in Hong Kong, England & Wales and Australia. Mr. Leung holds bachelor degrees from the University of Hong Kong and University of London, and a master degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ms Louisa Ho

Ms Louisa Ho Yuk King

Ms. Ho completed a bachelor’s degree in social science from the University of Hong Kong in November 1986, and a master’s degree in data processing from the University of Ulster (UK) in July 1992. With more than 30 years of experience in accounting, finance and banking in China, she is an expert in managing finance and accounting business, financing, investor relations and corporate strategy implementation. Ms. Ho is a certified public accountant of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Ms. Ho joined Harrow International Management Services Limited. in September 2006 as Chief Financial Officer. Currently Ms. Ho is responsible for the operation and business development of Asia International School Limited (AISL) Harrow Schools in Asia.

Dr Ahmed Hussain

Dr Ahmed Hussain

Dr Ahmed Hussain is the Chief Education Officer with AISL. This position involves leading on educational strategy and operations across the Harrow group of schools in Asia. He is also an Associate Professor in the school of education Durham University, a member of the editorial board with Research Journal: International Education Theory and Practice, a member of the expert panel for Pudong Education Bureau, Shanghai and a Fellow of the Charter College for Teaching, UK.

Following an initial career as a post-doctoral research scientist and lecturer at University of Nottingham, Ahmed trained as teacher of science with the school of education, Durham University. Following a number of teaching and leadership positions, Ahmed was appointed as a Lecturer of Education at Durham University. Here he led on training and developing teachers, teaching on Masters and EdD courses as well as undertaking research in the fields of curriculum analysis, assessment and teacher professional development. Ahmed took up a number of senior leadership positions in schools in the UK and Dubai along with working in the education reform project in Abu Dhabi. Here he led projects on senior leader and teacher professional development along with supporting the development and rollout of national standards for school leaders and teachers in the UAE. Ahmed then took up the role of Director of Schools with Wellington College China, playing a key role in establishing Wellington College China as a leading education group regionally and internationally. 

Ms Lesley Tyler


Lesley Tyler has 35 years’ experience in education that comprises teaching, senior management in high achieving UK schools and  school inspection.  

An Oxford University graduate in English Language and Literature, Lesley has taught English and Drama to A Level and University entrance level in state and independent schools in the UK, specialising from 1999 in the education of able girls at Tonbridge Grammar and Benenden. She has taught both IB and A Level. She was Assistant Head and an Advanced Skills Teacher at Tonbridge Grammar, with responsibility for curriculum, staff development and gifted and talented education. In 2009 she became Deputy Head Academic at Benenden, a girls’ boarding school. She has also been a consultant for the UK government on education of able students, an Advanced Skills Teacher, a Lead Practitioner with the Specialists Schools and Academies Trust, and on the professional development committees of the Headmasters Conference (HMC) and Girls’ Schools Association (GSA). She regularly delivers training at national conferences, and has been a tutor for several organisations that train teachers. Recently she has been on the three strong team of Benenden International Ltd, and has advised on the curriculum for Benenden Bilingual School Guangzhou.  

Since 2016, she has worked for the Independent Schools Inspectorate where she is now a Reporting Inspector.  She is a member of the HEOV team for Harrow International Schools Limited.

Mr Andrew McGregor

Mr Andrew McGregor

Having read Classics at Pembroke College, Cambridge, Mr McGregor spent more than thirty years teaching at Harrow School in the UK. He was House Master of Gayton and then The Head Master’s Houses before his appointment to the Senior Management Team in 2012. As Senior Tutor, he oversaw areas of compliance, including Safeguarding, Health & Safety, as well as Pupil Welfare in the broad. Since his retirement from Harrow at the end of August 2018, Mr McGregor has acted as an educational consultant. He is also on the Board of several leading preparatory schools across the UK. Mr McGregor was appointed by Harrow International Schools Limited (HISL) to be a member of the Oversight Team of AISL Schools in May 2021. As a representative of the Harrow Governors, Mr McGregor serves on the Boards of the Harrow International Schools in Appi, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Shenzhen. He is also a Governor of the Harrow Lide Schools in Chongqing, Nanning, and Zhuhai as well as the Harrow Hong Kong Children School in Shenzhen.

Mr Bryan Gaw

Mr Bryan Gaw

Mr Gaw is an Executive Director of Kerry Properties Limited, a property investment and development company headquartered in Hong Kong, with a portfolio of assets in Hong Kong and the PRC. He is also the Chairman of KerryKidz, a company developing indoor children’s playgrounds in the PRC to help promote character strengths in young children.

Mr Gaw has previous experience in private equity, management consulting, strategic planning and business development. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Princeton University and a MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.

Dr Peter Lee

Dr Peter Lee

Dr. the Honourable Lee Ka Kit is the Chairman of Henderson Land Group and the eldest son of Dr. Lee Shau Kee, the founder of the Group. He is also the Chairman of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited and Towngas Smart Energy Company Limited and the Vice Chairman of Henderson Investment Limited. 

Dr. Lee loves his country, cares about Hong Kong, and takes an active role in civic affairs. He is a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (NCCPPCC), and a member as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of One Country Two Systems Research Institute. He was also a National Committee Member and Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee for Economic Affairs of the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th NCCPPCC. 

Dr. Lee was appointed a Justice of the Peace by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2009, and were awarded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region the Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS) in 2015 and the Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM) in 2024. 

Dr. Lee has a long term devotion to charity work. In recognition of his substantial contributions to the country, he was named “Most Benevolent and Philanthropic Individual” by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in 2007 and became the first person to be honored with the “Huang Yanpei Outstanding Award” by the National Association of Vocational Education of China. In 2008, Dr. Lee was named an Honorary Trustee of Tsinghua University. The following year, Dr. Lee was awarded an Honorary University Fellowship by The University of Hong Kong. In 2014, he was again awarded the “Huang Yanpei Outstanding Award” and also received an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from Edinburgh Napier University. In 2019, Dr. Lee was appointed to the Board of Trustees of Fudan University.

Mr Johnny Mok

Mr Johnny Mok

Mr Johnny Mok SC is a practising barrister in Hong Kong. He is currently a member of Des Voeux Chambers in Hong Kong and Brick Court Chambers in London.

Mr Mok was appointed Senior Counsel in May 2006. In 2008, he became a member of the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, an advisory body under the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. Mr Mok was appointed a Justice of the Peace in June 2013 and was awarded Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2016.

Mr. Mok SC’s practice is focused on cases having a public dimension, which include public inquiries, applications for judicial review, regulatory and administrative hearings and appeals. Many of these involve issues of constitutional and administrative nature. His other areas of practice include contentious contractual, corporate and commercial work (including trust and property related litigation) and work on telecommunications, competition, securities and other regulatory matters as well as commercial crime. He regularly receives quality instructions to advise and represent the Government of Hong Kong and Department of Justice. He is co-author of a book, Judicial Review in Hong Kong.

Mr Arnold Wong

Mr Arnold Wong

An Old Harrovian, Mr Wong was at The Park from 1987 to 1992 and holds an M.A. in Jurisprudence from Oxford University.

He is a Chartered Accountant and spent a number of years in investment banking. Mr Wong is the Chairman and Executive Director of Classified Group, a listed hospitality company in Hong Kong.

Mr Kenneth Lau

Mr Kenneth Lau

Dedicated to serving the community, Hon. Kenneth Lau is Member of Tuen Mun District Council and he has been actively participating in a wide range of local service and charity organisations for over 20 years. In 2015 and 2016 respectively, he was elected uncontested as the Chairman of the New Territories Heung Yee Kuk and the Member of Legislative Council representing Heung Yee Kuk Functional Constituency. Besides, he was appointed as a non-official member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since July 2017.

As a Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference since 2013, as well as other important roles in public service, Mr. Lau is dedicated to facilitating cultural and economic exchange between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Continuing the legacy of Heung Yee Kuk Loving the Country, Loving Hong Kong, Loving the Villages, Mr. Lau wishes to cultivate a sense of national recognition and belonging towards the Motherland in youngsters and Hong Kong, through constructive dialogue and a wide range of community work.

Mr. Lau graduated from the London School of Economics & Political Science, University of London. He is Vice-Chairman of Wing Tung Yick Holdings Limited, a private company of well-diversified businesses in Hong Kong.