An essential part of a Harrow education is to provide a varied and rich Co-Curricular programme, providing pupils with the opportunities to further develop their ‘human skills’ which are required to be successful in the future. At Harrow International School Hong Kong, the Harrow Horizons Programme immerses pupils in a vibrant menu of opportunities and challenges through sport, charity and service, expeditions, drama, art, music, and academic extension. In essence, the Harrow Horizons Programme encourages our pupils to step out of their comfort zone whilst undertaking new experiences and challenges. Whether this involves acquiring debating skills through the Model United Nations, sleeping under canvas for the first time, volunteering for one of our supporting charitable organisations, or playing netball in New Zealand,the programme has excellent breadth to provide a holistic education for all pupils. Pupils build new skills and resilience, and experience significant personal growth, enabling them to develop the attributes underpinning the School’s vision statement: ‘Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership’ and developing the Harrow values of courage, honour, humility and fellowship.
Another highlight within our Harrow Horizons programme is the Speakers’ Forum which takes place frequently throughout each term. Our Speakers’ Forum programme is released to pupils and parents in the Autumn Term of each academic year and welcomes a variety of guest speakers including representatives from our School charities, visiting professors and academics from a range of fields and industry specialists. In doing so, it aims to provide a range of talks which provide stimulating and insightful views on a variety of pertinent topics but also serves to inspire our community about how best they can contribute to the betterment of society and the world.